Today is me and Tim's 4th anniversary. Crazy, I know. Time goes by so fast! I was originally going to do a somewhat comic post about how much I love him and reveal some of his more questionable habits that I have grown to accept and love over the years. But, that will have to wait. I'm just going to gross everybody out and gush over how much I love my hubby! He is so giving and always makes me smile and laugh. I couldn't imagine my life any other way. We had been talking about getting me my own computer since I am trying to start my own little business and I basically steal his all day. But, I am high maintenance apparently because after using Tim's Mac Book Pro I wasn't going to settle for anything less (can you say$$$). So we had been researching Craig's List and not having any luck. Tim convinced me it was just too expensive for us right now. If any of you know Tim, he hates to spend money. I thought I was going to have to take him to the emergency room for oxygen after we bought our car because he was turning blue on the way home. Anyway, I was a little bummed, but figured I could keep using Tim's Mac until something came up on Craig's List.
So this morning I went out shopping with my girlfriend. It was raining today, so the bottoms of my pants were soaked (which really bugs me) so I went into our room to change, and this is what I find...
"of course it's real"
"well They were selling the boxes on craig's list...(honestly though who would buy that?)
And it is real. In fact I'm using it right now... So I give Tim a huge hug (with tears, really, I was just so blind-sighted!) And he says Happy Anniversary, Christmas, Birthday and Valentine's Day. Which, is fine by me.
So instead of embarrassing Tim with little anecdotes, I'm going to tell the world that I have the best hubby ever and my gift to Tim is promising to never bring up the time he forgot my birthday or V-day (2 times) or our first anniversary. I use this a lot to get him to buy stuff (I know I'm evil) and I promise to lay it to rest forever more the day he bought me a MAC!!
Ok and what you really visited this site for---Brock. He makes this face on command. It's hilarious!

He loves cars and trucks. Dig Dig Dig is a favorite book. Thanks Aunt Gina!
He also loves to drink what ever we are drinking. This is rootbeer I promise. But man, look how he can throw it back!

Hope you all enjoyed this post. Tim you rock, I love you long time. Thanks for putting up with me and all my antics.