Welp. Huh.
I got a sewing machine for Christmas and have been itching to use it. There are so many tutorials online that make cute stuff. And they make it look "sew" simple. Now, I haven't sewn a thing since like Jr High, and all I did was sew some pj's together. Didn't cut the pattern or prep the machine. SO when it comes to sewing, to say I am coming apart at the seams is an understatement!
I enlisted the help of my friend Jo, a seasoned sewer. Under her watchful eye and gentle guiding, I made this-

A circle skirt. I think it's pretty cute. And it WAS easy. I thought I was ready to tackle a small project by myself. Boy, was I wrong. I found
this tut and thought it looked easy enough. Repurpose and old sweater into a bag. I had 2 old sweaters sitting in my DI pile, so I figured these would work just fine. I decided to try this cream colored sweater first, since I had a feeling the end product wouldn't be stellar. I was getting rid of it because of a small stain. See arrow-

Well, well, well. The first step is to cut. Easy enough, right?!? Nope. Apparently I need to revisit first grade so I can learn to cut straight. - True Story- I did break my right elbow in first grade and had a cast for a very long time. There is a great chance I missed out on cutting straight lines lesson- Not much better even with a ruler and a marker {at this point I kinda figured this bag was never going to see the light of day, but kept plowing on anyway, ya'know just for practice}
Ugh. Ugly horrible cutting. And a got a blue mark on my otherwise white computer. Dang you sharpie!

Well, this is the best part of the whole ordeal, sewing the straps together. That one spot looks ok.

And this is as far as I got. There is no hope for this project. Delilah had woken up and was crying, and Brock wouldn't shut up about oatmeal. I was supposed to sew the brown fabric to the sweater and then flip it inside out {or rightside in??} but, got soooo off while trying to sew it together. As you can see by the bag part under it, well just look-

Yuck what was I thinking?!? I can't sew! Not even close! In my incredibly small defense the sweater I chose was kind of stretchy, so that may have caused the puckering{I'm sure stitch length and tension and that crap could have made a difference, but I really know nothing about all that}, and the ribs are close together and deep, which may have made for difficult cutting.... Maybe I'm trying to down play my failure a little bit...SO I know there are some great sewers who read my little blog. Can you point me in the direction of some easy things to start off with?

Perhaps the other sweater's fate wont be so disastrous!
Love the little butt picture over there ---> :D At least you're trying! I praticed making little things out of that .25 felt you can get at a craft store. But my mom, the sewing queen says to start with a pillow case (very square) :D good luck!
Hee Love it Steph! I too am a sewing nimrod. Yet for some reason I keep trying. I did however successfully make the kids Halloween Costumes last year (also from a make it and love it tut) http://ryanandrachelyancey.blogspot.com/2010/11/halloween-photoshoot.html So If I can do it, You can do it! Though for Jaden's I made 3 hats and the pants were so tight before I even attempted elastic that they didn't need any but ripped before the end of Halloween night and ended up in the trash. For Bella's, well don't look at the back of the skirt. :)
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