As you may or may not know, I have done injured myself :( My foot is hurt in some way. Not sure what is wrong with is, however, I do know it is not a stress fracture. So, yay for that. But, I can't run and I am going crazy! I was up to 13 miles too! SO instead of running in the am, I have taken to... shopping. In fact, today I was the FIRST customer at Costco. I couldn't believe it when I pulled into an empty parking lot at 9:30. Apparently Costco doesn't open until 10. I felt like the biggest loser waiting in my car for a half hour for the store to open. I wasn't going to go home, it's like a 10 mile drive! And I wasn't going to go driving around down town Seattle either. So I sat. And waited. All the while wishing my stupid foot was better and I was out hitting the pavement. I will say though the parking lot was about 1/4 full by the time it opened!
Ok, I just had to get that off my chest. Get ready for picture over load.
Here is our little Easter morning celebration~ Brock had a ball finding eggs. Instead of putting them into his basket he just tossed them. When one broke open to revel candy, well that was the end of that. Instead, he just stuffed as much candy as possible into his mouth, as you will see.

We were lucky to have dinner with Lance and Natalie. We love going over there for dinner, Natalie is an amazing cook! It is so nice to have family close by!